Cut the tyres from the rims.
Remove tyres and inserts from the rims.
Place the rims in Tyre Remover.
The rims must be completely immersed in the liquid.
As the adhesive is not dissolved by the vapours as is the case with acetone, for example. -
Leave the rims in for 10 - 14 days. (In exceptional cases, it may take a few days longer.) Afterwards, the tyre residue can be easily removed from the rims with pliers. (If not, the rims were not completely or too short a time in the Tyre Remover).
Now soak the rims again for one or two days. This will remove any adhesive or tyre residue.
Then wash the rims with water
The rims are now as good as new and can be used again.

Have fun changing your tyres!
The use of protective equipment is recommended.
The Tyre Remover must not come into contact with foreign materials. As it can attack the surfaces.